3D Printing

3D Printing Advantages and Applications in the Modern World

In today’s modern world, it’s no longer surprising to hear about new discoveries and technologies that make our lives easier and better. These new technologies have revolutionized our world in countless ways.

One of the revolutionary technologies currently making a difference in our world is 3D printing. Also referred to as additive manufacturing, this technology is an additive manufacturing process that creates a physical object from a digital design through material layering. 

Simply put, this process works by laying down thin layers of 3D printing materials such as plastics, metal, or ceramics and then fusing the layers together until the final object is formed.

3D Printing

This technology is rapidly being adopted in various fields and industries, from medicine, entertainment, and fashion, to automotive, aerospace, and architecture.

Why 3D Printing?

Additive manufacturing is expected to play a crucial role as a trendsetter in the years to come. With its unmatched potential to produce any prototype and manufacture different products more quickly than traditional methods, the industrial demand for this technology is expanding globally.

Here are some of the reasons why industry leaders and business owners take advantage of this innovative technology.

Takes Manufacturing to the Next Level

Global manufacturers have seen the potential of additive manufacturing in terms of faster lead times. Decades ago, it took manufacturers more time to create a prototype for sampling and presentation purposes. The traditional process is not only expensive but also takes time. 

With the help of 3D printers, product development and the testing stage have faster turnaround times. In just a few minutes or hours, you can now have your prototype in hand.

Capacity to Print in a Variety of Materials

When 3D printing technology was first introduced to the market a few years ago, it could only print on limited materials, which was considered one of its downsides by many. But as the technology continues to evolve, it already has the capacity to print a variety of materials. 

One of the significant innovations of this technology was when it started to print using metal. It is the automotive industry that first saw this potential and took advantage of this progress. And later on, other industries started integrating this technology into their manufacturing process. 

Today, the people behind 3D printing are focusing on creating 3D printers that will be able to 3D print food and use other industry-grade materials. The applications of this technology in the food industry could provide solutions to problems of food shortage.

Printing of Complex Pieces and Designs

One of the previous challenges that manufacturing faced was the accuracy and precision in producing complex objects. With additive manufacturing, manufacturing objects or pieces with complex geometries and designs has become possible. Any geometric complexity is no longer a problem with 3D printers.

Helps Achieve Better Medical and Dental Care

In recent years, additive manufacturing has been empowering doctors, dentists, researchers, and medical manufacturers to work faster, test more thoroughly and make healthcare more personalized and customized. The benefits and applications of 3D printing in the medical field include personalized patient care, innovation in medical and dental devices, and high-strength and biocompatible materials to improve efficiency.

Wrap Up

Though additive manufacturing is a promising technology and cutting-edge, it still has a long way to go before becoming mainstream. Currently, this innovative technology still has limitations, such as high material costs.

But being the first digital manufacturing technology, 3D printing is exhibiting its transformative nature and has already been altering businesses and industries with remarkable efficiencies.

3D Printing

3D Printing Australia: Inspiring, Engaging, and Preparing Students for STEAM Careers

Over the next 20 years, the science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) field is expected to grow significantly. And to keep up with this growing demand, teachers should think outside the box to inspire and prepare their students for careers in this field. 

The best way to inspire, engage and prepare students for STEAM careers is to fully  expose them to related disciplines, to advance their skills in critical thinking and other in-demand skills in the field of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

3D printing Australia

3D Printing Australia being at the forefront of technological innovation goes hand in hand with teaching strategies that will develop the necessary skills needed by students to help them set for future success. 

3D Printing Australia for Education

Learning by Making

The application and utilization of 3D printing technologies in the classroom have gained great traction through learning by making. 

Subjects such as engineering, chemistry, math, and architecture all make use of 3D printers, however we must take note that the actual advantages lie in the development of imagination and creativity. Students from K-12 to university students can benefit from the blast of imaginative capabilities resulting from educational technology.

Fueling Creative Process

3D printing fuels the creative process and enthusiasm of every student when they can grasp in their hands the actual model they have built from their own imagination.

The impressive and precise details of 3D models make it possible for future scientists, mathematicians, and engineers to measure, bend, hold and improve their ideas and turn them into a tangible object.. 

The current technology that professionals use in their jobs is the same technology used in the classroom, which means that tomorrow’s job-seekers will already have the experience required by their future managers.

Top Applications of 3D Printing in STEAM Classes

Here are some of the top applications of 3D printing to improve learning in STEAM classrooms:

• Create and design simple machines by assembling the parts using drag-and-drop CAD programs. This way, students can bring ideas and concepts to life by 3D printing them. 

• Designing and building prototypes to boost creativity and critical thinking among students.

• Utilize CAD software to solve and explain problems and 3D print prototypes of their models.

• Present and discuss complex geometry concepts using 3D printing visualizations to aid spatial imagination.

Get Started with 3D Printers in STEAM Education Today

Presently, 3D printers and scanners have become more inexpensive than ever and easier to use. Investing in 3D printers for your classrooms provides the foundation for future generations to continue innovating and solving problems.

Aside from investing in a suitable 3D printer, educational institutions should also invest in 3D scanners and various materials for printing. It is critical to get a printer that fits your school’s budget and needs, and that’s where 3D printing services come in with expert advice.


Integrating and embedding 3D printing technology in STEAM learning inspires the critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills required for future workforces to thrive in these crucial STEAM disciplines.