
How to Thicken Hair by Taking Vitamin Supplements

When someone starts to see the inevitable signs of aging catching upon him, from the thinning of hair volume in the crown area to the receding of the hairline, almost always the seeming course of action of that individual is to look for ways on how to thicken hair.

But the million-dollar question here is “how would I do it, what can I do”? If you check out the Internet and do some research on this topic, you will realize that there is a gamut of available options on hair loss treatment. You can try some and you can try them all. Yes, this is a matter of trial and error, when it comes to finding the right treatment for hair thinning and hair loss.

The human body requires a variety of nutrients so that it will glow in the pink of health and become well. It works pretty much the same way when it comes to hair. It also needs the right amount of nutrition so it will grow healthy and vibrant. As a matter of fact, the scientific community has verified that nutritional deficiencies are sometimes associated with hair loss.

While there is a gamut of factors that can impact hair growth such as genetics, age, and hormonal imbalances and changes, one of the primary causes would be optimal nutrient intake. Below are recommended vitamins and nutrients that have a significant role to play in hair growth.

1. Vitamin A

Every single cell in the human body requires vitamin A for proper development, nourishing, and growth. Cells that are responsible for hair production are no exemption here. Hair follicles are considered by science as the fastest growing tissue in the entire human body.

Vitamin A also has a crucial role to play in the production of an oily substance in the skin glands called sebum. This substance is responsible for moisturizing the scalp in the head and thus helping hair to remain healthy and strong.

Diets that are deficient in this vitamin can eventually lead to health issues, and hair loss is among those. And while it is of paramount importance to give the human body enough vitamin A, too much of it can be deleterious. Past studies are suggesting that vitamin A overdose can also exacerbate hair loss.

Pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale are some of the vegetables that are good sources of beta-carotene which will be converted into vitamin A.

You can also source vitamin A from animal byproducts such as eggs, milk, and yogurt. One good source of vitamin A is cod liver oil.

2. B-Vitamins

A biotin is a form of B-Vitamins that can significantly help in the proper growth of strong hair. The deficiency of the human body with this kind of B-vitamin can lead to hair loss in most cases.

While it is a popular alternative treatment for hair loss, those who are found out to be highly deficient from it can expect to receive the best results.

But since biotin can be derived from a wide range of food sources, the deficiency is rare. There is also insufficient proof that biotin supplementation for healthy individuals can lead to hair growth.

Other forms of B-vitamins are used in red blood cell production. These are the components of the blood whose main delegation is to bring and carry nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles and the scalp. Such a process is of paramount importance to hair growth.

As stated earlier, B-Vitamins can be obtained from a wide array of food sources such as almonds, fish, meat, seafood, whole grains, as well as from dark and leafy greens.

When it comes to vitamin B12, the only good sources for this would be animal foods. If you are among those people who are strictly observing a vegan or vegetarian diet, you might want to consider taking a supplement for this vitamin instead.

3. Vitamin C

Cell damage due to free radicals can easily hamper the growth of hair and induce it to age. This can be reversed with the help of a powerful antioxidant in the form of vitamin C. It will help protect the cells of the human body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

Vitamin C also has an important role to play in hair structure. The human body is using it to create protein referred to as collagen. Furthermore, vitamin C is also helpful in iron absorption, a mineral necessary for hair to grow. You can obtain vitamin C from guavas, peppers, strawberries, and fruits.

How to Thicken Hair Fast

We understand that for someone to rely on supplements alone is a bit of a gamble, and may or may not yield positive results right away. In fact, it may even take a while to see good results.

So if you are lacking patience in that area, and want instead of a much faster and efficient way to conceal your thinning hair, we strongly recommend you consider the use of hair fibers.

Hair fibres Australia products are made from keratin protein strands, which is the exact component of human hair. Applying such a product will give you a natural-looking hair, almost undetectable even when you give it a closer inspection.